Repeat prescriptions

Many medical conditions are stable over a long periods of time in which case a doctor may authorise repeat prescriptions between checks on your progress. Repeat prescriptions may be obtained by:

  • using the repeat slip attached to your prescription

  • post (make sure to enclose a S.A.E)

Our local Pharmacies also offer a collection and delivery service for housebound patients to assist you further.

Please let us have your repeat prescriptions at least 48 hours (not including weekends) before you need your medication. Your prescription will be available after 2.30pm on the day your prescription is due for collection.

Please remember to make sure you have enough medication to last you over Bank Holidays!

Prescription Question

Please use our online platform, AccuRx, if you have a question regarding your medication, such as:

  • When you should take it and what to do if you miss a dose.

  • What the possible side effects are, and what to do if they occur.

Pharmacists are trained experts in the use of medicines. For many questions regarding your medication you’ll find your pharmacy a valuable source of information.

Local Pharmacies

Electronic Prescription Service

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is a NHS service that allows us to send your prescription(s) directly to your chosen pharmacy. This paper-free prescription service means that you do not have to come into the surgery to collect your prescription.

We encourage all patients to register for this free service. Please use the form below to register if you haven’t done it yet.