Appointments information
Please use AccuRx, our online platform to get medical help by clicking on the banner above.
Once you have submitted your request, you will be contacted if the clinicians think an appointment is needed.
The surgery operates an appointments system for both doctor and nurse consultations on weekdays.
Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6.30 pm
Enhanced hours clinics in:
Tooting: Monday till 8 pm - All appointments are Face to Face and bookable by contacting practice by telephone
Patients have a right to request an appointment with a specific clinician. However, experience has shown that if you wish to speak/see a specific clinician this may involve a delay.
If you are unable to attend your appointment you can contact us by click here (Please select administrative request and then cancellation of an appointment) This is so we can use the slot for other patients.
We use an online booking system for certain types of appointments:
Cervical screening, or smear test, is a method of detecting abnormal (pre-cancerous) cells in the cervix in order to prevent cervical cancer. Cervical screening is recommended every three years for women aged 25 to 49 and every five years for women aged 50 to 64 or more frequently if smear results indicates abnormal changes.
Our nurses are qualified to carry out cervical screening and tests in the form of cervical smears. You can only book a Smear appointment if you have received an invite and the appointment must be made for when the patient is not menstruating (best timeframe is 2 weeks from the start of the cycle, which is the first day of the period).
Blood Tests
B12 Injections
Dressings and follow-up dressings
Medication queries (pharmacist)
You can use Patient Access or the NHS App to book an appointment ONLY for the above reasons (otherwise please submit your request through AccuRx).